we love quality brand building and great process. that’s why we work on

The best possible tool and partner for global brand builders and their social media funnels, creating a high-quality ecosystem from ideation till revenue.

Scratching our own itch

Ägile Ässets has been built in a ‘scratch your own itch’ mode by core team members of the digital brand agency OVERW8.

We realized the whole process of turning macro content (such as blog posts, e-books) into micro-content (for social media) for two languages, maybe several clients, mapping it out, readjusting, etc., was just a pain in the a**.

At some point, it seemed easier to set up a side project to create a tool easing this crucial work process for our clients and us as well.

"Let's stop complaining, let's start working towards the solution."

"Pretty much everything can start with an idea, pen and paper."

Some of my agile superpowers:

  • I am a fully fledged Vinyasa Yoga teacher (less asanas today, more philosophy in action),
  • created one of the first self-development platforms in Germany (Club of Happy Lifepreneurs), as well as one of the first crypto token whitepapers
  • have served as a volunteer for years on the European board for the IAF (Interational Association of Facilitators) and built their Pan-European chapter structure,
  • and can turn flour into pasta.

Hi there,

I am Kristin, the founder + product lead at Ägile Ässets – and I’d like you to know a bit more about the mindset and know-how behind this tool.

The quote refers to the attitude I grew up with in the mid-size city of Mannheim, a highly intercultural place at that time that was going through rough economic patches and needed lots of pragmatism and creative problem-solving. Innovation skills, you would call it today, probably.

When I was a student, and someone would complain about there not being cool enough parties, we would just say, “Well, then let’s make sure there is one”. Also, in my family (neither rich nor poor, but pretty hands-on), if one would say: “I don’t like the red chairs anymore” the answer would be “Well, let’s paint them blue this Sunday”.

This normality I grew up with might explain why it came logically to me to stop complaining about the highly unsatisfying work process involved with social media at my brand agency, OVERW8. I decided that we’d give this a try as a side project.

That’s of course not quite all there is to it: my background is in marketing all over, having studied it as a major at one of Europe’s top universities (surprise: Mannheim), worked with and consulted the big brands for nearly 15 years, till my love for building new things and brands drove me to focus on startups, with my digital brand agency OVERW8.

Though hard to prove, it is quite probable that I was one of the first young marketing directors in 2000 to use website analytics and get a dropbox as soon as it existed after my laptop was stolen. I am a natural early adopter, and you can be pretty sure we’ll be ahead of things pretty much all the time. If I solve a problem, I want to make sure it is and stays resolved (call me German ;)). It might get nerdy on the way – sometimes you just need to dig deeper.

I love that I can bring myself to work as a human every day. I am Uberbookish, and I love good food/cooking, nice wine, and travel (which luckily go together well).

Back in 2005, I had set up a 100 points wishlist, which included working more creativity centered and with creative people. Looks like that worked out!

What’s on your wishlist, and what can you do to get closer to it today?

What a ride!

Sometimes you get bold and say: "Let's just start and see how it goes" - and 3 years later you find yourself with a timeline like this. Can't wait to shape what's next!

Getting started

Let's do something about it

June 2020

Side Project

Oh, that's nice

Ready to be used

November 2022

at o8

Start somewhere

Soft Launch AppSumo

AppSumo had reached out in Dec. 2022, with an invite to join and valuable input. We went ahead, got it done, set up a lifetime deal.

15th May 2023

AppSumo MarketPlace

"It seems to work"

First 100 users

"People actually buy and use it!" 😉 Some already love it, some try to hack it. It seems like it makes sense to give it a try.

9th August 2023

Online Sales


@SWSX with German delegation

Ägile Ässets was chosen to be one of 10 startups to join the German delegation together with "Munich Startup" at the famous SXSW in Austin. A great opportunity to tap into one of our biggest markets.

March 2024

Austin, Texas

Go Antifragile

Setup Resilience System

Autoposting to social is great, but one should know whether it worked, make sure it worked or if not, get rea-time info what's going on. We set out to get this to a hands-off level - which it does now.

April/May 2024

Get a feel

Austin, Cannes, Paris, London....

2024 evolves into a year with lots of conversations with potential target markets and fellow entrepreneurs. The learnings inform priorities massively.

May to September 2024

U.S., France, UK,...

Big stones, small pebbles

New Dev' Approach

With her vast background in project management and product conceptualization, the 'standard' way of further developping the tool felt just wrong for founder Kristin. It leant in too heavily into tweaking and fixing nittigritty, handing out 'we fixed this' lists. We tried something a bit more off-piste - and it works just great, delivering focussed results with high efficiency.

September 2024

Pinterest, Inmail, Creative Process

Autumn Launch

With the new dev' philosophy applied in action, we set out for a strong last quarter.

15th October 2024

Big stones, small pebbles

> 30.000 Post Autopublished

Shortly before XMas, we check the KPIs and whoa! That is a lot.

September 2024

Hey agencies, hey teams!

+ Dedicated Brand Spaces / Client Management

With this new version, the tool is fit to be successfully used by agencies and their team for providing their clients as super seamless process. Also corporate teams can now enjoy the more agile process.

15th December 2024


> 1000 brand builders around the globe use it

The more, the merrier!

4th January 2025

Agencies love it

Whitelabel is here!

Now agencies and brand teams can set up the whole tool in their own brand style - after all, we are all brand builders, right? 😉

15th January

Hey Bluesky, hey Threads

The Seismic Shift

The start of the year marked the shift from old to new platforms, users seeking more positive environments to build their brands. We make sure our users can seize the opportunity.

January 2025

Stronger together

Ambassador Program + Ecosystem Build Up

A long time plan as well as much asked for, after all we can go ahead and release the power of our creative agile marketers with these 2 initiatives.

March 2025

Happy Easter

The Spring Release

The next packaged release is coming up. Lots of goodness for international brand building on social media lined up!

17th April

Let's cocreate

What's next?

This summer will be exciting! Get on board and help shape it!

May, June, July.... 2025

Kristin Reinbach

CEO + Product Lead

Female tech entrepreneur with > 20 years of experience in marketing, sales, branding. Author of the innovation framework "Magic Innovation Leadership". Creator and business architect behind lots of innovative brands and business - most for clients, some of her own.

Mahmud Elgohary

Tech Lead

Originally from Egypt, Mahmud spent some years in Turkey, where he was part of a startup team. He now lives and works with his family in Bosnia. He has been working together with Kristin on several projects in her brand agency before and combines service mentality and tech problem solving from A to Z. He's a bit the "mental oak tree meets smiling Guru" of the team.

Our Vision

Brands need quality communication across channels to build trust and doing so has become increasingly complex. We intend to be the best "partners in crime" for all of those building a brand (or more than one) around the globe.

Our Mission

We will always build towards making your life easier, enable 'world domination' for your brands and if anyhow possible make sure the fun of creating gets enough space, again.

Our Process

Ägile Ässets is and will be built by marketers for marketers. Our head of development has more insight into customer journey than lots of proclaimed marketers do. We're in close dialogue with our dear agile users and are happiest if you tell us how much this enables you.

"If it is not broken, don't fix it"

"While we work a lot with asana etc. I have come back to sharpen my focus with this minimal approach of zero fuss lists."

Some of my agile superpowers:

  • feed me problems and something to fix, then hold my beer,
  • not sure if it’s a superpower, but I can talk politics for hours,
  • and can learn to cook local dishes in less than a month

Hi there,

I am Mahmud and I focus on tech problem solving at Ägile Ässets.

Kristin and I have worked on several super interesting brand challenges combining marketing and tech know-how – she is probably more nerdy than any other marketer I know, while she states I have more ideas about marketing and branding than the typical tech guy. Part of that might also be coming from me helping out with the customers as a kid in the family business back by the Nile Delta.

I love solving quality problems and see each as an opportunity to learn and contribute. We get to handle the build-up here in a style that fits our strengths. For example, we rarely even talk about ‘users’ – we mostly think of each of you as a cool person with great plans and how we can best support them. We work very result-oriented as a team, and even though we started very flexibly, we keep getting better at being agile every week. Adding the new locations of new people using Ägile Ässets to our map is a highlight of each week – it’s simply great to see how far the reach already is.

What keeps us going

It all started at the Digital Brand Agency OVERW8, where we worked together on realizing the client's brand vision, also on social media. During the pandemic, we started working on Ägile Ässets.  It's been on the market nearly 1.5 years now and we keep adding towards the vision. Some parts and days are challenging, others rewarding. These elements her keep us going

Great people from all around the globe.

We love to see you folks come in from literally everywhere! From the U.S., from Malaysia, from Australia, South Africa. You do amazing things based on Ägile Ässets and we love to see this makes you successful. Thanks for playing with us! 🙂

cocreate for the next level

Ägile Ässets users and us have a special bond - we love swapping ideas, finding solutions together. Your input is not just a ticket on a roadmap, we consider it a nugget that we appreciate.

flex our agility muscle

We listen closely to what comes up and what you need to be really effective in your work building a brand via social media.

Sometimes we decide to build in some tweak just to push it live only 48 hours later.

Stay relentless about quality

Sometimes we go a bit irrational digging deeper than would necessarily be needed. Then again, we want to make sure we deliver a product to be proud of and have fun with and as we are bootstrapped, 100% independent, we get to decide that it is worth it.

The only Social Media Management Pro Tool built by Marketers for Marketers.

Some interesting learnings so far...

Software is less about the Code, than it is a Service business.

Code for us is the molding mass to help our users and us to achieve the results we have in mind. It is critical that it works, is stable and easy to adapt, but more than that it is still about humans on both sides. We see ourselves as real companions rather than 'support' and often simply have fun together with you - get thing things done and brands built.

Global IS global

... as in: the new user from India does not care whether we are on christmas holidays. He/she would probably not even guess there is something else going on... Different cultures have different ways of approaching things and we continue learning about it and adapting to it.

Antifragile is the way to go

For example: This page here had to be rebuilt this month. We needed to make sure it helps us grow vs. blocking us from it. We rebuilt it in a way that enables us now to be really flexible and more antifragile (yep, we are Taleb fans).

Brand rules the world.

Starting out we could not really spend much budget at first, however, we could use our own branding skills - and those helped us to bridge the gap. So, for all of you trying to solve the hen/egg question between brand/sales: Start building that brand, it will help with your sales.

What's next


What if... in this VUCA world, whenever you map out your social media content, it would give you wise hints and tips on what your audience cares about this week? That would be amazing, right? Yeah, we agree and put it on the agenda.


In the end, content marketing is a numbers game. A certain number of evergreen posts around your main topics is needed to gain traction. So we will a) give you several micro assets / social media posts that you should aim for and b) give you insights and motivation for getting there.


We plan to create an app version that will enable you to add your social media ideas on the go, coming back and finishing them later. As well as adding labels and campaign ideas.

Ägile Ässets is growing into the best possible partner for global brand builders, creating a high-quality ecosystem from ideation till revenue.