New stability enhancing testing system created and active now


So, some weeks ago, we were a bit annoyed ourselves when we found that certain Facebook connects were suddenly not possible anymore (we detected it also so quickly because of the quick and direct communication with you folks, thanks again!).

We googled and searched to find out where and why we had missed out on the information about the API update till it turned out:

We didn’t miss it.
It just didn’t exist.

Now, the people at Meta are also just humans, so as my professor always said, “Communication is per so improbable.”

We’re always about the quick learning curve, and we love to work in an organized way, as opposed to hysterically having to jump, so we gave it some more thought about how to handle that. The conclusion was: We simply need to notice as soon as possible, at best, before you notice. And we need to get our hands on the information about what exactly is not working.

So we have set up a stress-testing system that

a) regularly (as in daily) tests whether all connections work
b) also notes any not successful posted posts

From this week on, if sth. unexpected should happen, we will know immediately and also be able to react as quickly as you’re used to us. Plus, you will also receive a heads up via email should something come up. We had given it a quick thought whether we would set up “successfully posted” emails, but, quite honestly, we found that a bit ridiculous as this is the default and normality.

One of the more interesting challenges of getting this done, is btw. “humanizing” the failure messages… O M G. Whatever you get there… no human would ever be able to guess what that means.

We are catching and ‘translating’ them one by one these days, so should you notice a ‘weird’ one, feel free to let us know, our ambition is of course to make this as human as possible.

Also, you dear agile brand builders will soon find the system status which we now check and publish on a daily basis, to be integrated into your Ägile Ässets app, no need to jump from tab to tab in your browser.

So, again, we have counterbalanced agile with an antifragile approach – let us know what you think about it…

Have an agile day, dear brand builders!

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Hi there, I am Kristin, a marketer, brand builder and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience. I am also the founder behind Ägile Ässets and here I share any news, sometimes ponderings and interesting brand building and social media stuff. Sign up so you don’t miss the next one!


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